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Mick Sawaguchi BIO

MICK SAWAGUCHI graduated in 1971 in electronics from Chiba Institute of Technology in Tokyo. He then joined NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), to 2005.
Mr.Sawaguchi's work includes studying and developing various surround sound mixing techniques used in broadcasting productions, and organizing seminars in Multichannel audio techniques in AES activities since 1991.
2002 He has awarded AES Fellow-ship award as his long contribution of surround sound recording and mixing on broadcasting. Also,
He awarded a fellow of IBS 2003.
Awarded a best technical paper in ABU 2004.
And awarded as [Master of surround] by JAS (Japan Audio Society) at 2005.
He was a director of NHK Program production center until 2005,
Then Currently He works Strategy Planning Group Pioneer R/D HQ as Audio Adviser.
Has a class of Sound design at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts &Music since 2006.
He has been a private workshop as Surround Terakoya every month in his home studio for next generations.